Like many Star Wars fanatics, I lead an unhealthy lifestyle.
This includes Star Wars-themed drinking games, eating junk food, staying indoors to re-watch the original trilogy, or simply playing Star Wars video games for hours on end. While my metabolism has been far too kind in these last two and a half decades, I can't help but dread my Star Wars dedication will end up making me less sexy than a sarlacc pit and fatter than Jabba the Hutt.
It seems George Lucas has found a remedy to my impending Star Wars-related health issues: A live action television show that covers the 19 years between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope" (episodes three and four, respectively). This proposed series, which does not have an official release date yet, might be just what I need to give up this horribly stunting addiction and finally say "To hell with Star Wars."
Right after "Return of the Jedi" Lucas started losing it. I'm not one of the haters who berates Lucas for Ewoks, or any other utilization of Muppets. Mother fucking Yoda is a Muppet, voiced by Frank Oz, who was Miss Piggy and about a thousand other Muppets. I'd prefer Muppets to CGI any day. Once Lucas ruined the original trilogy with his "special" edition in the late '90s, my eyes were open to the horrors of a very rich filmmaker who wants nothing more than to market his old work to as many people possible; artistic credibility be damned.
For those who've had the (dis)pleasure of watching "The Star Wars Holiday Special," you'll understand the pains one goes through to try to recapture the joyous nostalgia of a bygone era - especially with Lucas at the helm.
I've lost faith in George Lucas. Everything is a marketing ploy and -- aside from sweet action figures, toy light sabers, video games and posters -- I'm not buying.
… fuck.
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